Collective agreements: How to manage changes in collective agreements

When new collective agreements are agreed upon it often result in an administrative chain reaction for a lot of companies, because the changes have to be effectuated to the existing agreements, and this is both time consuming and it requires a great overview.

Overenskomst Collective Agreement

But how do you ensure that you have the required overview to make the correct adjustments to the collective agreements? Continue reading and we will enlighten how Intect makes handling collective agreements more manageable minimizing time spent on the task as well as the margin of error.

We keep you updated  

With Intect you do not have to keep yourself updated on the latest changes in the collective agreements. We know how time-consuming it can be, and that is why we offer to take the burden off your shoulders and manage changes in your employees’ collective agreements.  

In other words, if you want to avoid having to keep yourself updated on negotiations regarding collective agreements and having to make sure that the right changes are made with retroactive effect, you can simply add the collective agreement feature to your setup in Intect. Based on the specific needs of your company, we will agree on a setup that we will maintain for you so you can focus on your core business.

Create overview with employee templates

Do you want to be able to adjust settings yourself when the collective agreements of your employees change? In Intect we made it easy for you! With Intect’s employee templates you get a useful tool for your payroll, a tool that helps you streamline the management of collective agreements.

With the employee templates you can divide your employees according to common payroll denominators, e.g., employees paid on a weekly basis or every other week, trainees etc. In other words, you can divide your employees based on their respective collective agreements and then make changes for the whole group instead of on the individual level streamlining your workflow and reducing errors.

In conclusion, when managing the collective agreements of your employees, the employee templates represent an indispensable tool for creating an overview.

Employees working across collective agreements

Besides including employee templates that facilitates the management of your employees in groups, Intect’s management of collective agreements makes it possible to handle employees that work across different agreements.

This is for example an important feature for companies whose businesses are based on offering substitutes. These companies often find it challenging to manage their employees because they work across collective agreements depending on the client they work for and that means different rates for pension etc.

In Intect we have a feature called time configuration that enables the management of different rates, meaning that you do not have to set a key value for the individual employee but can manage different collective agreements within one employment.

Strengthen your business with integrations

Good integrations that ensures automatic data synchronization across your systems is a must if you want to make complex employments simple. If you for example use Planday, a resource and planning system, it is preferable to have a system like Intect with an open API, so changes made in either one of the systems will automatically be visible in the other.

With system integrations you both streamline your payroll administration and ensure far better data quality. The quality of your data is further improved when you can make adjustments both back and forth in time, which is a feature that will be explained below.

Work with data back and forth in time

Collective agreements are often enforced with retroactive effect and for this reason it is essential that you can handle data back in time. With Intect you can both manage data back and forth in time giving you the best prerequisites to make changes in collective agreements that will also be registered in your payroll system.

Effectively, you get a solution that fits the needs of your company, and you will not have to pay until you start doing payroll in the system.

Would you like to try Intect?

Would you like to try Intect? Get a free trial of the system to feel the setup and functionality by creating an account in Intect. It will only take 5 minutes to create the account and afterwards you can add the specific features that match the needs of your business. You will not have to pay until you start using the system to realize and manage payrolls.

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