Lufthavnsvikar: A safe and comfortable implementation with Intect

When Lufthavnsvikar was looking for a new payroll system it was essential for them to find a payroll-partner with the competencies to manage the complex and varying terms of employment that are characterizing for the temp industry.

Read the following article where Payroll and HR Consultant in Lufthavnsvikar, Dina Johansen, explains why they chose Intect as their new payroll system.



Lufthavnsvikar is an external temp agency located in Copenhagen Airport that provides professional solutions in the field of recruitment and temporary positions for all types of companies associated with CPH Airport.  

Before COVID-19, Lufthavnsvikar had between 300 and 350 temps during the summer season and around 200 in the winter.  

The temp agency is different from similar agencies in the industry because the staff in Lufthavnsvikar is pre-security approved. This means that the personnel can assist immediately when the need for external labor emerges.   

Adapted to the complex payroll conditions of the temp industry  

Lufthavnsvikar’s challenge has previously been that their temps work under different collective agreements, even during the same day they shift between agreements, which means different pension rates etc. 

Intect’s system takes the different industries’ terms of employment into account through countless available features, integrations etc.  

The ability to manage temps working under different collective agreements was what made Intect interesting for the temp agency.  

With Intect it is possible to have various lines for different salary types on the same pay slip. That means that Lufthavnsvikar can manage different collective agreements regarding both salary types and personnel, which makes the payroll administration a lot more flexible.   

Safe implementation  

It was important for Lufthavnsvikar that their new payroll system could provide the feeling of being in safe hands.  

“I am responsible for many employees and that is why it was important that I was not alone in the process. We have had a continuous dialog and sparring with Intect, which has given me the feeling of security because it has been a team effort to reach the finish line. The feeling of being in good hands has helped med keeping stress in check.” - Dina Johansen, Payroll and HR Consultant in Lufthavnsvikar. 

Our mantra in Intect is that every implementation process must be as simple and transparent as possible to ensure a good and safe startup for future Intect-users, so they learn the full potential of the payroll system.  

Valuable employee app 

Intect has developed an employee app for Intect-users to access their pay slips, register their hours and edit master data – at any time and place. This way companies can include their employees in the process of payroll through the app that they always have at hand.  

After the implementation process Lufthavnsvikar quickly identified a potential with Intect’s employee app.  

“Our employees can change their information, see the pay slip in a more understandable setting and follow their hours as well. The app has proved to be a much bigger asset for us than expected.”  – Dina Johansen, Payroll and HR Consultant in Lufthavnsvikar.