Integration with Ordrestyring
Do you use Ordrestyring for your everyday business administration? Then let's integrate Ordrestyring with Intect and ensure optimized workflows and correct payroll batches - every time.
Integration via file upload

Digitalize your business with Ordrestyring
Ordrestyring is a digital all-in-one tool designed to manage everything from registration of time and materials to the creation and planification of projects. Ordrestyring gathers all aspects of your business administration and give you a value-creating overview and an opportunity to streamline your processes.
Get started today!Intect & Ordrestyring
The integration between Intect and Ordrestyring is based on a simple file upload that streamlines the transfer of data and time registrations between the two systems. When transferred, the time registrations logged in Ordrestyring will be converted into wages in Intect, which means that the chance of error is significantly minimized.
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