Integration with Emini
You can easily integrate Emini’s temp and recruitment solution with Intect’s payroll system. The integration helps streamlining your recruiting related tasks with the payroll.
Integration via file upload

The right features
Developed with the end user in mind, Emini’s temp and recruitment solution – PeopleTrust – contains features to handle order confirmations, creation of temps/customers, scheduling, time registration, payroll, and invoice calculation. The time registration is done by the customer i.a. through the app Staffz, after which the salary is calculated in the system according to the right collective agreement.
Want to know more?Intect & Emini
With the integration between Intect and Emini your company gets a value-creating and time-saving tool that streamlines your payroll with your workflows related to temps and recruitment. In other words, your payroll and employee data are easily transferred to Intect via file upload!
Get started today!

Valuable system interaction
The collaboration between Intect and Emini represents a valuable interaction which, among other things, relates to the fact that Intect offers more efficient, accurate and detailed data than other payroll systems. Data that can be extracted in several formats which supports the reporting needs in the temp industry. With the thorough data transfer from Emini, Intect creates the base for valuable time saving!