Your intuitive and simple HR system

Save time with a streamlined HR module. Intect HR makes it easier for you to manage your employees' master data, administer roles, and keep track of contracts.

Intect HR Banner System Interface

Intect HR: Streamlines payroll and HR

In a busy work environment, it’s valuable that HR and payroll collaborate, providing an overview of employment terms and salary. Intect HR is an user-friendly HR module that complements Intect's payroll system. This way, your processes are streamlined, freeing up time for other tasks.


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Key features


           Intect HR includes:

        • Organizational chart for complete overview
        • Employee profile where you can update info
        • Efficient contract signing
        • Job catalog
        • Overview over active processes
        • File archive with easy access to important documents





20 DKK
/per active user


Contact us

HR Employee Profile3

Easy management of employee master data

With Intect HR, employees get their own profile, enabling them to easily and quickly manage their master data and update personal information. Additionally, employees can access their employment details and view their documents, including contracts, performance reviews, and bonus agreements.

Organizational chart that creates structure

The organizational chart in Intect HR helps create a clear and accurate representation of your line organization, as well as other organizational units within your company. Use it as a reference tool or to see how teams and departments are interconnected.

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Overview of your organization, employees, and internal development

Intect HR is built with a range of functionalities designed to provide an overview of your organization’s composition, employment processes, role descriptions, issued work equipment, and employee dialogues.

Want to know more about Intect HR?

Fill out the form or call os at +45 81 40 11 84.
