Employee templates: Save time on your payroll administration

Companies with a lot of employees often find it challenging to handle the diverse employment and salary conditions of each employee. With Intect’s feature of advanced employee templates you can design templates that fits both you and your employees. The templates can easily be changed later, and the changes will be effective immediately.

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Create your own templates

Holiday payment, tax, pension, collective agreement, and yearly payroll. When you hire new employees there are a lot of things to consider. With this feature you can create and design templates for your employees, so they fit your business.

The system includes three standard templates when you create an account in Intect. The three templates are set up for the following types of employment: permanent employment, employment on an hourly basis and CEO’s.

Solve your complex needs

The three standard templates included is not always enough. Bigger companies often have more complex needs when it comes to employee templates.

With Intect’s feature of advanced employee templates you can create and design your own templates, so they match your specific needs. E.g., if you are doing business in an industry where your employees work under a lot of different collective agreements and salary conditions, you can divide them by their respective agreements and manage them accordingly with a specific template. This way you can easily make changes for a group of employees at the same time.

In other words, you streamline your workflow significantly by managing whole groups at a time, and you also reduce the error margin of your administrative processes.

The employee templates feature is included in our “Premium” solution.

See prices here

Would you like to try Intect?
Would you like to try Intect? Get a free trial of the system to feel the setup and functionality by creating an account in Intect. It will only take 5 minutes to create the account and afterwards you can add the specific features that match the needs of your business. You will not have to pay until you start using the system to realize and manage payrolls.

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If you are interested in hearing more about Intect or have some questions about the system or the prices, you can contact us using the contact form below or by calling us on +45 71 99 11 22. We look forward to hearing from you.

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